My parents named me after two of the Indian Gods, Lord Vinayak and Lord Rama. I had no problems with my name for the past 25 years but after coming to the states i have had people call me with million different names. During one of our team meetings , my clients were discussing about the next project release. Suddenly something sprang up in my manager's mind. He started taking about my name. All my colleagues were trying to pronounce my name. I did not want them butchering my name so I went to the board and gave the phonetics- " WIN-AHH-YUCK" . At first they got it right but later they called me Vinakak and finally all they could get was VIN. This country can't even spell my name correctly.
The best part was during a phone conversation. I was talking to a guy named JOE. I introduced myself as Vinayak. He replied," OK Mark" . For whatever I said , I got the following reply ,
"Auright Mark " .
I too noticed it with your name..Mr.WINIE-EE-YAK..err..Vinki
Nice one :)
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